
Friday, September 14, 2012


It was late last night when the boss came home
To wander early his mansion and a desolate throne
Servant said boss the ladies gone
She left this morning just before dawn

You got something to tell me, tell it to me man
Come to the point as straight as you can
Old henry lee chief of the clan
Came riding through the woods and took her by the hand

The boss he lay back flat on his bed
He cursed the heat and he clutched his head
He pondered the future of his fate
To wait another day would be far too late

Go fetch me my coat and my tie
And the cheapest labour that money can buy
Saddle me up my buckskin mare
If you see me go by put up a prayer

Well they rode all night and they rode all day
Eastward long on the broad highway
His spirit was tired and his vision was bent
His men deserted him and onward he went

He came to a place where the land was dull
His poor head pounding in his skull
Heavy heart was racked with pain
Insomnia raging in his brain

Well he threw down his helmet and his cross handle sword
He renounced his faith he denied his lord
Crawled on his belly put his ear to the wall
One way or another put an end to it all

He leaned down cut the electric wire
Stared into the flames and he snorted the fire
Peered through the darkness caught a glimpse of the two
Hard to tell for certain who was who

He lowered himself down on a golden chain
His nerves were quickening every vein
His knuckles were bloody he sucked in the air
He ran his fingers through his greasy hair

They looked at each other and their glasses clinked
One single unit inseparably linked
Got a strange premonition there's a man close by
Don't worry about him he wouldn't harm a fly

From behind the curtain the boss crossed the floor
He moved his feet and he bolted the door
Shadows hiding the lines in his face
With all the nobility of an ancient race

She turned she was startled by a look of surprise
With the hatred that could hit the skies
You're a reckless fool I could see it in your eyes
To come this way was by no means wise

Get up stand up you greedy lipped wench
And cover your face with some other consequence
You are making my heart feel sick
Put your clothes on double quick

Sill boy you think me a saint
To listen no more to your words of complaint
You've given me nothing but the sweetest lies
Now hold your tongue and feed your eyes

Id have given you the stars and the planets too
What good are these things to you
By the heart if not the knee
Or never again this world you see

Oh please let not your heart be cold
This man is dearer to me than gold
Oh my dear you must be blind
He's a gutless ape with a worthless mind

You've had your way too long with me
Now its me who will determine how things will be
Tried to escape he cussed and cursed
You'll have to try get passed me first

I dared not let your passion rule
You think my heart the heart of a fool
And you sir you can not deny
You made a monkey of me for what and for why

Ill have no more of this insulting chat
The devil can have you I'll see to that
Look sharp or step aside
Or in the cradle you'll wish you died

The gun went boom and the shot rang clear
The first bullet grazed his ear
Second ball went right straight in
And he bent in the middle like a twisted bin

He crawled to the corner and he lowered his head
He grabbed the chair and he grabbed the bed
It would take more than needle and thread
Bleeding from the mouth he's as good as dead

You shot my husband down you fiend
Husband what, husband what the hell do you mean
He was man of strife a man of sin
I cut him down and I throw him to the wind

Hear this she said with angry breath
You too shall meet the lord of death
It was I who brought your soul to life
And she raised her robe and she drew out a knife

His face was hard and caked with sweat
His arms ached and his hands were wet
You're a murderous woman and bloody wife
If you don't mind ill have the knife

We're two of a kind and our blood runs hot
But we're no way similar in body or thought
All husbands are good men is all I knew
Then she pierced him to the heart and his blood did flow

His knees went limp and he reached for the door
His doom was sealed he slipped to the floor
He whispered in her ear this is all your fault
My fighting days have come to a halt

She touched his lips and kissed his cheek
He tried to speak but his breath was weak
You die for me I will die for you
She put the blade to her heart and she ran it though

All three lovers together in a heap
Thrown into the grave forever to sleep
Funeral torches blazed away
Through the towns and the villages all night and all day

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